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J ulien CH Andersen
A life of faith, love, compassion

and in God

"The good will always incite the evil. It is My will. I have set the distinction between light and dark so that you may know the difference."
A channeling by Julien CH Andersen

Satan and the dark:

There is much at stake in the meeting between the Divine and the Human. It knows the dark forces. Ever since Julien came home from India in 2000, the Prince of Darkness has been after him. Him or a creature unexpectedly appeared in the apartment in which he lived.
One evening, hell broke loose. From an unoccupied room a roar sounded, and when Julien opened the door, he saw a wild monster twice his size. The whole room was steaming with malice. From the beast a wild beast sounded and it sprang forth, but without touching him. With resentful breath, it stood in front of Julien, after which he preferred to the living room while he begged it to disappear. It did not help.
The monster stayed inside the room, which was a hell of evil on earth. Every day and night Julien could hear it raging like a wild animal in the room. But after several days of prayer to God, the dark being disappeared.
In the years that followed, Satan came several times and as always unexpectedly. His figure is like any other person's, but he was dressed in a black monk's cut with the hood turned up so that one could not see his face.
He was silent in front of Julien while you could feel the wave of evil from the dark being.
"If you change sides, I will reward you principally," Satan offered. "I will give you everything you want."
Julien each time said "No" and refused to have anything to do with the prince of darkness. Yet Satan has come up with his offerings several times.
One evening in the fall of 2019, God said, "The evil has rained upon you." *
It is true. It has been hunting Julien for many years.
God also said that until several people had cursed Julien - the books, channels and prophecies had been cursed as well. Those who once received the benefits of knowing Julien had criticized and cursed him.
Darkness exists in many forms. Even in spiritual circles there are some who have tried to give Julien a bad name or doubt about him and the texts he has channeled. It is a pity if a few people subjugate others to that kind and let themselves be shaped by them. These kinds of people are found in all shadows. For example, some have demonized Julien and others think he is a fantastic.
Many have mocked or chased Julien for his faith. Even colleagues at work have accused Julien of many things. All in all, this has given him a lot of challenges - and at some levels has cost a lot.
It is understandable: 'The good will always reap the evil.'
God said to Julien a few days later. "Man is born well. Still, it is difficult to do the good and loving. I have set guides for you. Yet many choose to follow the darkness of the darkness because you do not know better. He will always urge you to do evil where You should have done well.
You must distinguish. You always have to distinguish between the loving and the unloving and the good and the bad. You forget that. "*
Today, a person who reads spiritual books or beliefs is considered blind and he who adheres to his prayers, his charity and has gained some spiritual knowledge, is considered almost leprosy, whereas those who criticize and hurt, they are listened to and they are considered great.
Julien prays daily for their happiness and he blesses them, for they do so out of ignorance.
All in all, Julien has experienced that Satan and darkness have given him many trials.
A channeling by Julien CH Andersen.

“The good will always reap the evil. A good person repays evil with good. An evil person retaliates the good that is done with evil. "
A channeling by Julien CH Andersen

"I must remember to distinguish. Many are in seeking the spiritual world. Unfortunately, I do not always know who it is that speaks to you. Darkness Demons come in many guises. Some presume to speak your cause, but do not . They create selfishness and evil. "
A channeling by Julien CH Andersen

"You must discern. Evil spreads evil. They repay the good with the evil."
A channeling by Julien CH Andersen

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